Constellating Systems Werkstatt

Welcome to my virtual rendering of decades in pursuit of Systems and Family Constellation Work. My personal and professional investment in this methodology continues to be grounded in, and blessed by, 35 years of studying, facilitating, researching, and creatively expanding what I offer. It is, and has been, a labor of love and the love of my life.

As time and experience collaborated, I became a senior systems facilitator. And, as eldership goes, I continue to judiciously adapt and create new understanding, perspectives, and expressions of the work, naming what I offer Constellating Systems. This means, you will -here and there- find me respectfully disagreeing with some of the Family and Systems Constellation narratives and offerings ‘out there’.

I learned along the way from many teachers and teachings and, importantly, from my change seekers. This has shaped my work into what it is now: A foundation of trusting each (always unique) heterotopia we co-create as  facilitator, change seekers, and withnesses. My intimate relationship with the Human Condition taught me a comportment with which I meet my  people, one -on-one, couples, or in groups. You will experience me gentle, fierce, determined, supple, and many other adjectives that support trauma-sensitive and relational mending.

My capacity to meet and engage your emerging trauma is as eager, as is my inviting and nourishing your strength, tenacity, and what is (and all along was) right about you, the change seeking human. My treasure chest is filled with tools and with playful toys, gathered to work in the trauma mending trade.


My heart-filled gratitude goes to teachers and teachings.

 Both, the living and those, no longer among us in the flesh. 


Please, find what might speak to you on these pages. We offer Events, during which we meet, share, nourish, and mend our BodySelfs. Where we visit families of origin and invite our ancestors. Where we reflect pains, cracks, and joys in our communities (observed and partaken), and more. Become a change seeker, a withness, maybe even a facilitators. We explore severed bonds across generations and from places we, and our ancestors, inhabited and left. Together, we find, renew, and develop capacity and fresh ways to (re-)connect. Together,  we also find and expand visions, possibilities, and staying power to contribute to the (many) intricately Nested Worlds we all belong to.

In short, join me for a group event, for a one-on-one session, or choose one of my teaching offerings. We address trauma wounding together, known and unknown, by exploring broken connections, and by imagining to mend them in fresh, creative, and courageous ways. The meeting format depends on the nature of the CSW-Event; in-person or online.